If Sun Life extends a settlement offer it is because they have determined it to be in THEIR best interest to do a buyout at this early stage of the claim. There are situations in which an early settlement could work out to benefit a claimant however, it is important to understand that Sun Life is not extending a buyout offer to you because it is to your benefit. Do Not Accept a Settlement Offer from Sun Life without First Speaking with An Experienced Disability Buyout Lawyer. The claimant will waive any rights he/she has on the policy. Often, clients are contacted by Sun Life in the midst of an appeal review and told that the appeal will be denied but Sun Life is willing to pay a small lump sum of money if the claimant agrees to sign a settlement release whereby the claimant releases Sun Life of any liability for future benefits. These offers are common around the change in definition review where the definition of disability changes from own occupation to any occupation.

Sun Life is well known for contacting their claimants during a review and extending buyout offers accompanied by a threat that benefits will be denied if the claimant does not take the offer. Sun Life Long Term Disability Lump Sum Settlement Offers Sun Life Disability Buyout Lawyerīeware of Sun Life low-ball offers.